Change in number of shares and votes in Risk Intelligence A/S
15 March 2021
The total number of shares and votes in Risk Intelligence A/S, reg. no. 27475671 (“Risk Intelligence”), has changed last week consequent upon the directed issue of 1,467,050 new shares to institutional, professional and private investors.
Subsequent to the directed share issue, the total number of shares and votes in Risk Intelligence as of 15 March 2021 is 10,577,430. Through the directed share issue, Risk Intelligence’s share capital has increased with DKK 147,605, and, as of 15 March 2021, amounted to DKK 1,057,743.
Financial Adviser and Issuing Agent
Sedermera Fondkommission acted as financial adviser and Nordic Issuing as issuing agent in connection with the directed share issue.
This information is information that Risk Intelligence A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 15 March 2021.
For more information on services and the System:
Please watch our corporate video: Knowing Risk
For further information about Risk Intelligence, please contact:
Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO
Telephone: +45 7026 6230