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Risk Intelligence A/S reports 31% growth in revenue in Q4 2020

7 January 2021

Risk Intelligence A/S reports 31% growth in revenue in Q4 2020 compared to Q4 2019 and 8% growth for 2020 compared to 2019.

Risk Intelligence has increased revenue by 31% in Q4 2020 (DKK 6,290,592) compared to Q4 2019 (DKK 4,795,609) and increased revenue for the year by 8% (DKK 15,330,873) compared to 2019 (DKK 14,220,894).

The 31% growth in Q4 was generated from a combination of growing existing business, with clients increasing the size of their subscription licenses for the Risk Intelligence System and adding other products to their contracts, as well as business from new clients in both recurring revenue and Advisory Services (bespoke and semi-bespoke reports).

The growth in revenue does not come at the expense of existing recurring revenue business, which the renewal rate of 100% (churn 0%) in Q4 is a strong testimony of. In addition, several major clients signed 3-year agreements.

Furthermore, as forecasted, the first major client, Sony Europe, was secured for LandRisk just in time for Christmas. This is an important proof of concept and will serve as an example to others. The Company expects that the next major LandRisk client will sign an agreement during Q1 2021.

Hans Tino Hansen, CEO of Risk Intelligence, says:

“Following a quite challenging year, due to COVID-19, where uncertainty was the most prominent corporate challenge, we were eager to see if the cautious optimism from Q3 would continue into Q4. As it turned out we were successful in securing a significant growth in revenue of 31%, which is particularly noteworthy as Q4 always is the quarter with the highest turnover. After the negative growth in Q2, I am especially pleased that we managed to reach a total 8% growth in revenue for the full year. Finally, closing the year with the first major LandRisk client sets the tone for 2021, where we expect to deliver continued growth in both maritime and land-based business and a positive EBITDA for the full year”.

The full Q4 2020 Interim report will be published 3 March 2021.

This information is information that Risk Intelligence A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out below, on 07 January 2020.

For further information about Risk Intelligence, please contact:

Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO
Jim Pascoe, CCO
Telephone: +45 7026 6230
E-mail: investor@riskintelligence.eu