Risk Intelligence signs the first LandRisk license agreement


16 January 2020

Risk Intelligence A/S (“Risk Intelligence”) signs the first LandRisk subscription license agreement with a European government agency. 

LandRisk (the new module in the Risk Intelligence System) was launched 1 October 2019 and has been presented to the market in the following months. This has resulted in considerable interest from a range of potential clients within both private, public and government sectors. The first client to sign up for LandRisk is a European government agency, which unfortunately cannot be named. The client now has a subscription to the full Risk Intelligence System (MaRisk+PortRisk+LandRisk).

CEO Hans Tino Hansen says “We are very pleased to sign the very first client for LandRisk. A significant milestone for Risk Intelligence and a strong signal to the market that we are delivering on our targets. There are already a number of promising opportunities in the pipeline and we are in process with trials and discussions on how this will improve these companies security mitigation against cargo crime and other security risks. These companies are bigger, more complex and more differentiated than the majority of our maritime clients and require a different sales approach. Since the launch we have received very good feedback on LandRisk that convinces us that we will reach our targets."

The agreement signed is part of our expectations for the result in 2020.  

The majority of LandRisk potential clients who are in discussions with Risk Intelligence include international consumer electronics and pharmaceutical producers with complex logistical networks as well as logistics providers. Risk Intelligence tailor the LandRisk module to the individual needs of these organisations, applying a comprehensive approach involving multi-department resources from Risk Intelligence and the potential client in the process. Whilst the time involved is greater, the revenue generated by this new type of client relationships is higher than the existing maritime markets.  As the clients get to license renewal at the end of their initial license period the marginal cost of renewal per client will move towards zero. 

The new partnership between Risk Intelligence and TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) as communicated 16 December 2019 raises the visibility of cargo theft incidents by incorporating a vast number of TAPA’s recorded cargo theft incidents into the Risk Intelligence System. The partnership provides access to the TAPA’s  600+ members, which include many of the world’s leading manufacturing brands, as well as their logistics and transport providers.

For more information about Risk Intelligence, contact:
Hans Tino Hansen, CEO
Jens Krøis, CFO

Telephone: +45 7026 6230
E-mail: investor@riskintelligence.eu


Risk Intelligence A/S increased its revenue by 28% in 2019


Risk Intelligence A/S reaches a subscription renewal rate of 99.3%