Press releases

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Risk Intelligence successfully completes the directed share issue of approx. DKK 2 million through issuance of 714,290 new shares forming part of a DKK 8 million funding package.
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Risk Intelligence successfully completes the directed share issue of approx. DKK 2 million through issuance of 714,290 new shares forming part of a DKK 8 million funding package.

The Board of Directors of Risk Intelligence A/S (“Risk Intelligence” or the “Company”) has, with support from the authorisation granted by the general meeting held on 22 May 2018, and as indicated in the press release published on 8 July 2020, resolved to issue 714,290 new shares at the price of DKK 2.80 per share. The price was established through a so called “accelerated book-building” procedure led by Sedermera Fondkommission. The new share issue is directed to qualified investors. In addition, Risk Intelligence is finalising a long-term loan from Vækstfonden of DKK 4 million and has secured a credit line of DKK 2 million with Danske Bank supported by Vækstfonden. It is the Board’s opinion that the long-term funding, together with the forecasted positive EBIDTA for 2020 and positive cash flow for 2021 and the reported uptake in business, will put Risk Intelligence in positive momentum.

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Risk Intelligence evaluates the possibility to carry out a directed share issue
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Risk Intelligence evaluates the possibility to carry out a directed share issue

Risk Intelligence A/S (“Risk Intelligence” or the “Company”) today announces its intention to carry out a directed share issue of up to 714,290 new shares. The board of directors of Risk Intelligence has engaged Sedermera Fondkommission to evaluate the conditions through a so-called “accelerated book-building” procedure.

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